Scientists Confirm COVID Vaccines Contain Nanostructures Colonizing In The Human Body Dr. Jane Ruby joins Mike Adams live via Skype to discuss how self assembling nanoparticles are forming strange tissue clots in the blood of the vaccinated. While Many are touting the efficacy of the Covid Vaccine, More disturbing proof surfaces as…

Don’t Blame “Corporate Profits” or Rising Wages For Inflation — Blame The Fed!

Every excuse in the book is given for inflation. But inflation has a single source: The Fed and the immoral fractional-reserve banking system. Why waste time on the periphery? Perhaps it’s to make sure that the “system” continues? That’s unacceptable. Go to…

‘New World Order or Nuclear Armageddon?’ – Ron Paul at the RPI Houston Conference

RPI Founder Ron Paul addresses the 4 June 2022 conference: The Biden Doctrine: New World Order or Nuclear Armageddon? Don’t forget to mark your calendars! Sept. 3rd in Dulles, VA: ‘Anatomy of a Police State’ – Ron Paul Institute’s Summer Washington Conference!

Take Action: Help Save Children from Covid ‘Vaccines’ in 1 Easy Step I found this CALL TO ACTION at: And I wanted to get this out to you as soon as I could. Now that you have seen the video you now understand how serious and urgent the situation is. The fate…