Who Doesn’t Like Free Things?

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While the saying “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” rings true more often than not, to every rule there must be exceptions. One such exception is the Mises Institute. For more than 40 years the Mises Institute has done more than any organization to educate people from across the globe about Mises, Rothbard, and Austrian Economics. Founded by my mentor Lew Rockwell, The Mises Institute has turned what was once considered an obscure economic theory into a powerhouse that continues to inform and inspire aspiring thinkers to this day.

Thanks to Lew and the Mises Institute, Austrian school economics is growing by leaps and bounds, while tired, old Keynesianism is just pounding sand.

Here’s the great part: Much of what the Mises Institute produces is absolutely 100 percent free. You can get an entire education on Austrian school economics, reading the great works of the masters like Murray Rothbard…absolutely free! Think of it as a free lunch for the mind!

And here’s the best part: Last week the Mises Institute announced that they were giving away 100,000 copies of Murray Rothbard’s great work, “What Has Government Done to Our Money?” As in…free!

How to get your free copy of this Rothbard classic? Better yet, how to get multiple copies to pass out at your homeschool co-op, colleagues, church friends, or libraries? Simply click here and fill out the form. They’ll do the rest.

Enjoy your free lunch!

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