Ron Paul Rewind: Ron Paul and Oliver Stone Discuss Stone’s Interviews with Vladimir Putin

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There is much buzz about Tucker Carlson’s interview this week with Russia President Vladimir Putin, footage of which has not yet been aired. Many Americans who tune in will likely be surprised by what they hear from the Russian political leader who has relentlessly been painted as the personification of evil in propaganda targeting Americans.

So also were many viewers surprised several years back upon seeing footage of another American’s extensive interviews of Putin. Oliver Stone’s 2017 four-part Showtime series The Putin Interviews, which is focused on hours of interviews Stone had conducted with Putin, challenges the relentless archvillain framing of Putin in American media by allowing people to hear Putin address in his own words questions on a variety of topics.

Stone was a guest on the June 30, 2017 episode of the Ron Paul Liberty Report. There he discussed The Putin Interviews with hosts Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams. Watch the Ron Paul Liberty Report episode here:

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