New Documentary Exposes Child Sex Trafficking Industry And It’s Connections To The Bidens

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New Documentary Exposes Child Sex Trafficking Industry And It’s Connections To The Biden’s

Patrick Howley and Ben DeLaurentis join Owen to discuss a NEW documentary exclusively on BANNED.VIDEO that explains the connections between CPS and politicians that are blackmailed.

This could be thing that finally takes these Predators down. Its only a matter of time before someone publishes the full content of laptop and then GAME OVER!

Source Link:

Here is One that got Away! And Thank God for That!

New Documentary Exposes Child Sex Trafficking Industry And It’s Connections To The Biden’s

Patrick Howley and Ben DeLaurentis join Owen to discuss a NEW documentary exclusively on BANNED.VIDEO that explains the connections between CPS and politicians that are blackmailed.

This could be thing that finally takes these Predators down. Its only a matter of time before someone publishes the full content of laptop and then GAME OVER!

Source Link:

Here is One that got Away! And Thank God for That!

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