Glenn Greenwald Dissects the Anti-Trump and Pro-Harris Bias Permeating the Moderation of the Trump-Harris Presidential Debate

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Glenn Greenwald is a skilled communicator regarding media bias. He delivered in a new video monologue an insightful and succinct rundown of ways in which the Tuesday presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris was moderated with an extreme bias toward aiding Harris and hindering Trump. In short, declares Greenwald in the video, “the debate structure was so blatantly designed to favor [Harris].”

Key aspects of this demonstrated bias that Greenwald discussed are the following. The moderators repeatedly fact-checked Trump to present Trump as untrustworthy while not even once fact-checking Harris despite her meriting fact-checking on multiple occasions. Further, the moderators kept asking Trump questions that were largely made up of arguments and accusations against him, but asked Harris more ordinary questions. Also, unlike in regard to Trump, the moderators did not point out, and follow up with further probing, when Harris failed to answer questions.

Focusing on the behavior of moderator David Muir in the debate, Greenwald commented on “the way in which David Muir in particular would argue with Donald Trump constantly.” Continuing, Greenwald noted:

He argued with Trump and attacked Trump and criticized Trump almost as much as Kamala did. He was a participant in the debate — always on the side of Kamala, always on the side of attacking Trump.

Watch Greenwald’s discussion of the debate here:

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