Epstein Calendar Reveals “Shadow Nobility” Running The World

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Epstein Calendar Reveals “Shadow Nobility” Running The World and Extended Report.

Extended Report;

First from Mike adams;

David DuByne warns of global crop failures caused by volcanic sulfur dioxide injected into atmosphere

Next from Trends with Gerald Celente;

Gerald Celente of https://trandsresearch.com/ guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down the true damage done to society from the COVID war.

Learn the True Damage of the COVID War

Next from Brannon Howse Live;

Joe Allen on AI, the Antichrist System, Transhumanism, and Technocracy

Next from Paul Joseph Watson;

Paul Joseph Watson of https://summit.news/ guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down the liberal degradation of society by targeting children.

Liberal Madness Eroding Society with Bill to Legalize Exposing Children to Perverts – PJW Live 5/1/23

Next from The New American TV;

Hunter Biden’s legal team is doing everything it can to obstruct the investigation into the president’s son by frightening witnesses into silence, according to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer. 

Also, the Biden DOJ is suing Tennessee over the law the state recently passed banning child mutilations; a federal judge stopped Illinois’ “assault weapons” ban and Colorado passed draconian anti-gun measures; recent IRS data show that blue states continued losing citizens and billions in revenue; and Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito says the leaked Dobbs decision draft made the justices “assassination targets.” 

In the second half of the show, John Birch Society program director and field officer Robert Owens discusses uniting constitutionalist lawyers and doctors in the fight for liberty, and TNA’s Gary Benoit and Steve Bonta discuss the principle of property rights.

Hunter Biden Cronies Scaring Whistleblowers From Testifying, Says Congress

Next up from LifeSiteNews;

Jesus’ weapon against abortion is His divine mercy. The importance of trusting in God’s mercy and the consequences of despair — including suicide, euthanasia, and abortion. He also discussed the Department of Justice’s recommendation of no punishment for a violent transgender person who attacked a Catholic Church, and the Church’s inability to ordain women due to the priest being “in persona Christi.” Viewers are encouraged to celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy and pray for the Church to stand against the radical leftist agendas.

Divine Mercy is a devotion given to St. Faustina by Jesus to pray against abortion. It includes the Divine Mercy Chaplet, which Jesus gave to St. Faustina to pray against abortion, and the promise of complete forgiveness of all sins and the remission of the temporal punishment due to sin on Divine Mercy Sunday — if one goes to confession and receives Holy Communion. Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, explains that Catholics must be intolerant and judgmental of anything contrary to the will of God, but not of the person God loves. 

Watch the entire show here: https://www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/get-ready-divine-mercy-comes-right-before-divine-justice-fr-chris-alar/?utm_source=banned

Jesus’ Weapon Against Abortion: His Divine Mercy

Next from Flyover Conservatives;

TUCKER, CLINTONS, AND TRUMP | The Prophetic Report with Stacy Whited

Next from LifeSiteNews;

This is the one key to all prophecies that talk about the end times. Ex-CIA officer Rob Marro — executive producer of Hostage to the Devil and personal friend of Father Malachi Martin — speaks to John-Henry Westen about the life and impact of the greatly influential priest when dealing with prophecy.

Rob Marro is the last living legacy of Father Malachi Martin’s warnings to the world, and he has made it his mission to explore what Father Martin’s bombshell prophecies mean for the Culture of Life today. The New World Order may be closer than we think, and the prophecies of Father Malachi Martin may just be our key to stopping it.

Father Malachi Martin was a world-famous exorcist, professor of paleography at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, and according to many, a prophet of God who exposed many of the devil’s most damaging agendas. His influential teachings and epic battle with evil have been captured in the documentary, Hostage to the Devil, which seeks to expose the threats of the New World Order now gripping the entire Western world.

Watch the full show here: https://www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/prophet-priest-the-truth-of-fr-malachi-martin-revealed/?utm_source=midvid

The One Key to ALL the Prophecies of The End-Times

And now as always, GOD HAS THE LAST WORD! As his Modern Profits Speak!

Kent Christmas PROPHETIC WORD🚨[DISASTER IS COMING] THE UNDOING Prophecy April 30, 2023


“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will

 strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” –

 Isaiah 41:10

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