Leaks Reveal Disgraceful Facebook and FBI Operation Supposedly Purposed to Counter Domestic Terrorism

On Thursday, I wrote about a Wednesday Washington Times article detailing allegations by current and former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents that FBI agents had been given quotas for investigations of “domestic terrorism” and “white supremacy” related crime. The results included a bunch…

A Danger of Giving FBI Agents Quotas on Domestic Terrorism and White Supremacy Related Crime

Sometimes police will be given quotas for ticketing drivers. Results of the pressure put on cops to meet their ticket targets tend to include that many drivers are pulled over and ticketed for minor infractions that would be better overlooked or based…

Great Reset Corporations Now Controlling Your Thermostat, Learn What Comes Next

RealNewsChannel.com Alex Jones Breaks down the plan to kill the power grid to collapse humanity as the next phase of the Globalist Great Reset takes control. Source Link:https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=6317c865d284894fcf727665 Want a Real Private Phone with no tracking? Go Here: https://www.voltawireless.com/ DISCOUNT CODE: Privacy2022…

HIDDEN CAMERA: CNN Admits Climate Change Is A Power Grab Hoax / The New COVID

RealNewsChannel.com Alex Jones presents video footage obtained by Project Veritas where a CNN director admits that his ‘news outlet’ is going to push climate change as a new panic button for its audience, similar to President Trump and the COVID pandemic. More…

Andrew Tate Reveals What Globalists Will Target For Next False Flag

RealNewsChannel.com Andrew Tate Reveals What Globlaists Will Target For Next False Flag. I like this Andrew Tate of a guy pic.twitter.com/8cS5b3kuji — M&M (@Dr_Ehmm) August 30, 2022 As Biden and company continue to set the stage for a “false flag” America’s cities…