Donald Trump — the Peace Candidate in the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary?

A Monday article at Politico makes the case that Donald Trump will likely be running as the peace candidate among individuals vying to be the 2024 Republican presidential nominee. The article’s authors — Meridith McGraw, Natalie Allison, and Gary Fineout— write: Those…

Christianity Brings Humanity Out Of Savagery and God will lead us out of this one! Christianity Brings Humanity Out Of Savagery and Extended Report. Next All Talk No Action | Activate America All Talk No Action | Activate America Next Chinese Spy Balloon, Hunter Biden, ESG Investments plus Dr. Duke Pesta | The New American TV…

President Biden Wants to End the New Hampshire Primary’s First-in-the-Nation Status. Is He Just Trying to Benefit Himself?

In every United States presidential contest since 1920, New Hampshire has held the first primary. That tradition of over 100 years is in President Joe Biden’s sights for elimination. Why? Norman Solomon argues in a Friday Salon article that the reason Biden…

Trump Warns Joe Biden Has U.S. On Brink Of WWIII and Plandemic Exposed First Trump Warns Joe Biden Has U.S. On Brink Of WWIII then Project Veritas Reporter Exposes the True Danger of Pfizer Director Admitting to Big Pharma Engineered Pandemic. And even more detailed Coverag in the Extended Report Situation Update, 1/30/23 –…

Courts Diverge on California Law to Silence Doctors Regarding Coronavirus

In the fall, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law legislation giving medical boards in the state the power to punish — including via revoking state medical licenses — doctors for challenging the orthodoxy regarding coronavirus. This new law was quickly responded…