The Antidote To The FBI Is Your Local Sheriff In this mind blowing report from Harrison Smith he lays out a possible solution to government overreach. This is not the only Sheriff that stands for our rights. Let me introduce you to the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. As…

IRS Amassing Its Own Army While Federal Reserve Intensifies Inflation Tax The IRS is hiring an army of tax collectors willing to use deadly force. reports IRS annual report shows heavily armed agents training to shoot PEOPLE-SHAPED TARGETS… IRS is building a massive paramilitary force armed with “weapons of war” “(Natural…

Steve Bannon On Infowars: ‘They Cant Stop The Great Awakening’ Steve Bannon of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the future of humanity if they keep fighting back against the globalist Great Reset collapse. #SteveBannon #GreatAwakening #uprising #Freedom #Liberty — TheDailyCoin (@RoryTDC) August 11, 2022 Source Link:…

Trump Raid a Setup to Trap Americans Into Violent Retaliation Owen Shroyer breaks down the attempts to trap Americans into taking violent action against overreaching action by a politicized justice system. And Here is a Fresh Perspective from the X22 Report Source Link; Want a Real Private Phone with no tracking?…

Massive BACKLASH building as parents realize covid vaccines KILLED THEIR CHILDREN Mike Adams reports; Massive BACKLASH building as parents realize covid vaccines KILLED THEIR CHILDREN As the horrific aftermath of the “Frank-n Shot” are beginning to be really felt, Parents are waking up to the consequences of giving the Jab to there…

Lawmakers call for NULLIFICATION of corrupt federal agencies like FBI, IRS, EPA, ATF, DOJ Mike Adams Reports; Lawmakers call for NULLIFICATION of corrupt federal agencies like FBI, IRS, EPA, ATF, DOJ as backlash in the aftermath of the Trump raid. You think this cant happen to you! Guess Again! Emboldened IRS demands new hires be…