Democrats Finally Admit It: Joe Biden Illegal Started A War With Russia and extended Report Democrats Finally Admit It: Joe Biden Illegal Started A War With Russia and Extended Report. After Months of conflict with Russia over the Ukraine the Democrats Finally Admit It: Joe Biden Illegal Started A War With Russia. Next Project Veritas HHS…

Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Case To OVERTURN 2020 Election and Expanded Coverage In a incredible development The Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Case To OVERTURN 2020 Election. Why show you care? This theoretically could remove Biden and company. Watch the full report for details. Many don’t think this will go any where but…

Can President Trump Be The Next Speaker Of The House? And Expanded Report As momentum moves toward picking the next Speaker of the House, the question is raised, Can President Trump Be The Next Speaker Of The House? Watch this report and decide for yourself. Next Ivan Raiklin reveals House Speaker strategy for freeing…

Arizona Election Certification Could Be Nullified With This Major Breaking Information Michael Schafer joins host Owen Shroyer on The Alex Jones Show to break down how the Arizona election could be nullified. The Battle lines are drawn in AZ midterms as more evidence of fraud and misconduct are surfacing daily. Fox news…

Deep Dive Into Stolen Elections, Psyops, And What To Expect Next With Greg Reese. And Expanded Report Greg Reese calls into The American Journal with Guest Host, Chase Geiser to discuss election integrity, and how deep state psyops are deployed to subvert cultural movements that threaten their agenda. And the Expanded Report. Next Mike Adams reports BOOM! GOP…

Republicans take the house despite Rampant “Election Eregularities”! And Extended Coverage Despite all the Dems “shenanigans” the Republicans took The House. However on the Senate side, things are not so rosy. It ended up a 50 49 in favor of dems for now. There is a Run Off race in Georgia in…