Americans Are Not Supporting the US Sending Weapons to Israel

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President Joe Biden is proposing 14 billion dollars in United States aid to Israel that is pursuing its new war — a 40 percent increase over what the Israel government requested earlier this week. Meanwhile, a new poll indicates the majority of Americans are refusing to line up in support of this latest American war effort.

A CBS/YouGov poll conducted this week asked whether four different US actions should be taken now in regard to “the situation with Israel and Hamas.” In response to one of the queries, 52 percent of polled individuals said they opposed the US government “sending weapons and supplies to Israel.”

This majority opposition is particularly impressive considering that the polled individuals tended to indicate that they are more sympathetic to Israelis than to Palestinians. In “the current conflict,” 51 percent of respondents said they sympathize “a lot” with the Israeli people, while 33 percent said they sympathize “somewhat” with the Israeli people. Sympathy for the Palestinian people in the current conflict came in substantially lower, with the “a lot” answer at 28 percent and the “somewhat” answer at 37 percent.

Majority support was uncovered in the poll for the three other US government actions queried: 72 percent for engaging “in diplomacy with countries in the region,” 76 percent for sending “humanitarian aid to Israel,” and 57 percent for sending “humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.”

Don’t believe the hype that this new US war commitment being pushed on the American people by politicians is very popular. It is not. And don’t believe the hype that opponents of ­this new US war commitment are all desiring to harm Israeli or Jewish people. They are not. Those claims are unfounded propaganda that is regularly deployed to cow Americans to acquiesce in the entry of the US government into its next major horrific foreign intervention.

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