VP Biden ARMED Hamas! Gov. Not Ready For EMP Blackout! Ebola is in the COVID Vaccines!

RealNewsChannel.com VP Biden ARMED Hamas & Funded Iran Through Hunter’s Chinese Firm. Next Jonathan Hollerman of https://emptaskforce.us/ joins guest host Kate Dalley of https://katedalleyshow.com/ on The Alex Jones Show to break down the ways to survive a power grid collapse. And finally…

Rep. Matt Gaetz Advocates For Owen Shroyer! J6 Political Prisoner Updates!

RealNewsChannel.com While questioning the Director of The Federal Bureau of Prisions Colette S. Peters, Rep Matt Gaetz brings up the treatment of two J6 defendants, John Strand and Owen Shroyer over the retaliatory solitary confinement the men have endured. Next J6 Political…

The Tri State City Tyranny! Jihadist Protesters Descends on DC! NYTimes Says Trump will WIN!

RealNewsChannel.com While America sleepwalks through the 2020 decade with a treasonous zombie criminal at the helm, China is flooding every inch of Earth with its rising dominance. The dollar is now openly regarded to be on life support. As Foreign Policy magazine…

Hezbollah Declares WAR On The United States! Jihad Set To Ignite In America!

RealNewsChannel.com First BREAKING: Hezbollah Declares WAR On The United States. State sponsored terrorism is crossing our border.Sponsored by the United States, the United Nations, and Countries that traditionally sponsor terror. Then More hints of Directed Energy Weapons in Maui. And Even more…

Globalists Set to “Release Hell” to Censor Americans, Imprison Trump, Start Global War, Accelerate Border Invasion

RealNewsChannel.com In this Full Episode of Alex Jones, Michael Yon joins to break the latest on the massive surge of illegals marching to America & General Michael Flynn covers the latest from DC! Do NOT miss this! Extended Report; War Room With…

Climate Cultists Agenda Exposed! FBI Director Reveals Iran Sleeper Cell Assassins in the US!

RealNewsChannel.com Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media joins guest host Maria Zeee of https://zeeemedia.com/ to expose the climate cultist agenda of collapsing local economies. Next FBI Director Chris Wray has revealed that Iran has made assassination attempts against high-ranking current and former…

21 U.S. Troops Injured by Drone Attacks in Mid East Escalation! Biblical Views About the End Times

RealNewsChanel.com First Breaking: 21 U.S. Troops Injured by Drone Attacks in Mid East Escalation. Next Preterism and the End Times Psyop theory, Then White House Pledges To Confiscate Guns In America. Then Netanyahu Invokes Biblical Prophecy As Israel Launches Invasion Of Gaza.…

The 3 Springboards to a Global Police State: War, Plague, and Financial Crisis+ More!

RealNewsChannel.com First Royce White of https://roycewhite.us and https://roycewhite.substack.com/ guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down the importance of safety and security for all Americans. NextPatrick Byrne of https://deepcapture.com/ joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the NWO plans for a…

The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children! Russian Broadcaster Vladimir Soloviev talks to to Alex Jones!

RealNewsChannel.com First Greg Reese reports The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children. Next Vladimir Soloviev of http://soloviev.live/ joins The Alex Jones Show from Russia to predict that NATO will give up on Ukraine to focus their war efforts in the Middle East. Then…