Does WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty” Set the Stage For Global Digital Vaccine Passport?

The American Journal reports on WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty”. Does it Set the Stage For Global Digital Vaccine Passport? Vanessa Bailey @VanessaBails The WHO are quietly implementing a GLOBAL PANDEMIC strategy treaty. This will be very, very bad news for autonomy. We need…

David Wilcock tells Mike Adams the global cabal will be taken down BEFORE the mid-term elections Mike Adams Interviews David Wilcock who tells Mike Adams the global cabal that current is trying to destroy us will be taken down BEFORE the mid-term elections. This is by-far the most optimistic Appraisal of the State of our nation I…

Learn About the Future of Bio-weapons and Medical Tyranny Mandates Before It’s Too Late! Dr. Richard Fleming of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the future of bioweapons and medical tyranny mandates. Dr Richard Fleming on Informed Consent “Physicians who are providing these Vaccines to people are not providing informed consent and…