Massive BACKLASH building as parents realize covid vaccines KILLED THEIR CHILDREN Mike Adams reports; Massive BACKLASH building as parents realize covid vaccines KILLED THEIR CHILDREN As the horrific aftermath of the “Frank-n Shot” are beginning to be really felt, Parents are waking up to the consequences of giving the Jab to there…

Lawmakers call for NULLIFICATION of corrupt federal agencies like FBI, IRS, EPA, ATF, DOJ Mike Adams Reports; Lawmakers call for NULLIFICATION of corrupt federal agencies like FBI, IRS, EPA, ATF, DOJ as backlash in the aftermath of the Trump raid. You think this cant happen to you! Guess Again! Emboldened IRS demands new hires be…

Inflation Reduction…Or Inflation PRODUCTION? With Guest Phillip Patrick

Birch Gold’s Phillip Patrick is again joining today’s Liberty Report to discuss the just-passed Inflation Reduction Act, which spends massively on “green” energy and more drug benefits. Will more spending curb inflation? Is there anything we can do ourselves to blunt the…